Wellington: New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who won the country against the Corona virus, has also won the election with an overwhelming majority. The election was earlier scheduled to be held on September 19, but was postponed due to the second wave of Kovid-19. Such a huge victory in the history of the country, a party has won such a huge victory for the first time and with this Jasinda is ready to take charge of the country once again. Ardern’s center-left Labor Party received 48.9% of the 87% vote. After winning, Jesinda has said that the country has shown the highest support to the Labor Party in 50 years. He said that a difficult time is yet to come in front of the country, but the party will work for every countryman. The main opposition National Party got only 27% votes, which is its worst performance since 2002.

Only 25 people died due to Covid-19
Ardren has named these elections as ‘Covid Elections’. Along with this, he has also promoted his government on the basis of the successes achieved in ending the epidemic and preventing the community transmission of the virus. New Zealand has a population of 5 million, or 50 million, and just 25 people have died here due to Corona.
Apart from Covid, the way Ardren appeared as a leader after the terror attack in Christ Church in March 2019 has also contributed significantly to his popularity. In that attack, 51 people were killed.