Tehran: In the last few years, Iran is facing the problem of a low birth rate. The birth rate in Iran has decreased significantly compared to many other countries of the world, due to which the government of Iran has come up with a new recipe. To increase the birth rate, the government of Iran has launched ‘Match Making App’, so that the attractiveness of the youth can increase, they can choose the right life partner for themselves through the app and then the population of Iran can be increased.
According to officials, the name of this app is ‘Humdum’. It has been made by the Islamic cultural body of the government. This app provides matching and counseling services to potential couples, their families. Along with this, he keeps in touch with the couple for four years after marriage. Western-style dating is banned in Iran under Islamic law. But many young people do not like to get married in the traditional way. The fertility rate among Iranian women has decreased by 25 percent in the last 4 years. Here the fertility rate is 1.7 children per woman. Iran began to reverse its family planning policies a decade ago. This made it difficult to obtain contraception in the country.

In 2014, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said in an order that promoting the population would strengthen national identity. The unwanted aspects of the western lifestyle will be tackled. Subsequently, the Iranian parliament provided loans and other financial incentives to encourage marriages and the birth of children.