Mumbai: Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan has tied the knot with her longtime boyfriend Nupur Shikhare, a fitness trainer and martial arts expert. The couple exchanged vows in a private ceremony at the Taj Hotel in Bandra, Mumbai, on Wednesday. The first picture of the newlyweds showed them smiling and holding hands, while Aamir Khan was seen with tears in his eyes.
Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare had a pre-wedding photoshoot in the new year, where they posed in traditional outfits and expressed their love for each other. They also had a fun-filled Haldi ceremony on Tuesday, which was attended by their family and friends. The pictures of the Haldi ceremony went viral on social media, as the couple and their guests smeared turmeric paste on each other.
Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare have been dating for the last few years, after meeting through Aamir Khan. Nupur Shikhare used to train Aamir Khan for his films, and he introduced him to his daughter Ira. The two became friends and bonded over their passion for fitness and gymming. Ira Khan, who has been vocal about her struggle with depression, found solace and support in Nupur Shikhare. In September 2022, Nupur Shikhare proposed to Ira Khan, and she accepted. Their love story made headlines in the media, as they shared their pictures and videos on social media.
Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare are now set to host a grand reception in Jaipur, Rajasthan, after their wedding. The reception is expected to be attended by many Bollywood celebrities and friends of the couple. Aamir Khan, who looked very happy and proud during the wedding, will also be present at the reception. Aamir Khan had earlier said that he was very happy for his daughter and her choice of partner and that he had given his blessings to the couple.