US-Taliban peace deal based on terms of its implementation: Khalilzad


Washington: A top US diplomat has said that the US-Taliban peace deal is based on the terms and its implementation by the US will depend not on ‘mere words’ but on the ‘conduct’ of the terrorist organization. The agreement reached between the US and the Taliban in Doha in February is planned to bring back US troops from Afghanistan and in return, the terrorist organization will guarantee security. Under this agreement, the US will withdraw 12,000 troops in 14 months.


A quarter of the soldiers have also reduced since then. The Taliban has pledged that it will not allow other organizations, including Al Qaeda, to use Afghan land to fund recruitment, training, activities that would pose a threat to the US or its allies. US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation, Zalmay Khalilzad said on Tuesday in front of the National Security Subcommittee of the Monitoring and Reform Committee of the US House of Representatives, “This agreement is based on the terms… if we have to implement the agreement, we have to give its words But he has to see his behavior. “
