There will be talks between America and China, Biden-Xi Jinping will discuss in online summit


Washington: US President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping will hold an online meeting before the end of this year. A senior administrative official of the White House gave this information.

The decision in this regard was taken at a meeting in Zurich on Wednesday between US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Yang Jiechi, a Politburo member of the Chinese Communist Party and director of the Office on Foreign Affairs. In the meeting, which lasted about six hours, Sullivan discussed areas where the US and China can work together to address international challenges, and explore ways to deal with risks in the relationship, a White House statement said. can.

At the same time, Sullivan also raised the issues of many such areas where America is concerned about the steps of China. These include issues related to human rights, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, South China Sea, and Taiwan. The decision of the online summit was taken in view of the fact that the leaders of the two countries would not get time this year to meet together.


According to the senior administration official, Sullivan and Yang discussed a number of issues and the conversation was “good and clear” and lasted about six hours.
