Rouhani hopes US will return to old policy on Iran after Biden becomes president


Tehran: The President of Iran on Wednesday reiterated his hope that Joe Biden, the President-elect of the United States, would return to the same Iran policy of the United States where he left as Vice President four years ago.

State TV has reported that Hassan Rouhani said that if Iran and the United States could return to the status quo from January 20, 2017, it would be a big solution to many issues and problems.

Incumbent President of the United States Donald Trump took office on January 20, 2017. Tensions between the US and Iran had risen sharply under the Trump administration and the two countries were on the brink of war earlier this year.


Trump unilaterally separated the United States from the nuclear deal in 2018. Under the agreement, economic sanctions on Iran were lifted in exchange for limiting Iran’s uranium enrichment. Since then, Trump has continued to impose sanctions on Iran, which has badly affected the country’s economy.

Rouhani appealed to Biden to condemn Trump’s maximum pressure campaign and compensate for the wrong policies that have been pursued over the past four years. He was probably referring to the huge economic losses to Iran caused by Trump’s sanctions.

There was a nuclear deal between Iran and the world powers. When the United States parted ways with the deal and imposed sanctions on Iran, Iran gradually crossed the uranium enrichment limit to put pressure on Europe.
