Person arrested with weapon outside Kamala Harris’s official residence


Washington: A 31-year-old man arrested in Washington DC for possessing weapons and ammunition outside the official residence of Kamala Harris, Vice President of America. (Arrest) has been done. The arrest comes at a time when security has been beefed up in the US Capitol following an attempted rebellion on January 6.

Harris and her husband are no longer living in the Naval Observatory as repairs are underway at the US Vice President’s official residence. Both are currently living in the Blair House near the White House. On Wednesday, the US Intelligence Service arrested a Texas man after receiving intelligence information, CNN quoted a Washington Metropolitan Police spokesman as saying.

kamala Harris

Police said Paul Murray of San Antonio has been arrested and a rifle and ammunition recovered from his vehicle. A police report states that “an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, unregistered ammunition and five 30-round magazines” have been recovered from Murray.
