Pakistani MP got married on day of his divorce at age of 49, for third time with an 18-year-old girl

Dr. Amir Liyakat Hussain third marrige

New Delhi: According to very interesting news, Dr. Amir Liyakat Hussain, the MP and popular television host of Pakistan’s ruling party PTI has now gotten married for the third time. Yes, the 49-year-old MP’s third marriage to 18-year-old Saeeda Daniya Shah is currently the subject of intense discussion in Pakistan. Both of them got married on Wednesday, which was informed by Aamir Liaquat Hussain through an Instagram post. Please tell that on this day Aamir’s second wife has also divorced him.

Here, sharing his picture with his newlywed third wife on Instagram, the MP of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s party wrote, “I got married last night with 18-year-old Saeeda Daniya Shah. She belongs to a respected Sadat family from Lodharan in South Punjab.

Also praising his third wife, Aamir Liaquat further wrote, “Very sweet, beautiful, simple and darling. I would like to request all my well-wishers to pray for us. I have just left the bad times of life behind. It was a very wrong decision.

Let us tell you that on Wednesday, Aamir’s second-wife actress Tuba Aamir announced divorce from Aamir through Instagram itself. In her post, the actress revealed that the two have been living separately for the past 14 months.

It is worth noting that this second marriage of Aamir took place in the last 2018. When Aamir announced this marriage, his first wife Saeed Busra Iqbal had told through social media that Aamir had divorced her over the phone. Busra had also told that this had deeply hurt his children and them.
