Pakistan deported more than 200 Afghan citizens, including children and women

Pakistan has deported more than 200 Afghan citizens

Islamabad: After the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, Pakistan has deported more than 200 Afghan citizens, including children and women. According to the news of the newspaper ‘Dawn’, these people entered Pakistan through different routes and reached Chaman, after which they stayed at a railway station for a few days. But the border officials refused him to stay there anymore. Following this, Afghan nationals from Kunduz province managed to reach Quetta two days earlier and stayed in Baleli, on the outskirts of the provincial capital. But the officials there also did not allow him to stay in Quetta.

He took them all into custody and then on Tuesday sent them back to their country via Chaman. There were more than 200 Afghan citizens, including women and children. “These Afghan families were deported to Afghanistan because they had entered Pakistan illegally,” Quetta division commissioner Sohail-ur-Rehman Baloch was quoted as saying in the news. He said that all Afghan nationals who entered Pakistan illegally would be deported unless the government allows their stay. Pakistan is not allowing Afghan nationals to enter the country without other legal documents including visas.

Pakistan has deported more than 200 Afghan citizens

Chaman’s administration said that no arrangements have been made so far for Afghan refugees in Pakistan. The Organization of Afghan Refugees and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have also not yet made any arrangements for the accommodation of Afghan refugees in any area of ​​Balochistan. Some Afghan families have also reportedly entered the Noshki district from Helmand province in Afghanistan. There are already around 3 million Afghans living in Pakistan. It recently said that it was not in a position to host more refugees.
