Nepal’s Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli Reiterates Claim on Disputed Territories

KP Sharma Oli

New Delhi: Nepal’s newly appointed Prime Minister, KP Sharma Oli, wasted no time in asserting Nepal’s territorial claims as soon as he assumed power. He boldly stated that the areas east of the Mahakali River, including Limpiyadhura, Kalapani, and Lipulekh, rightfully belong to Nepal. However, he also expressed a commitment to resolving border issues with India through diplomatic means.

India’s Firm Rejection

India swiftly responded by completely rejecting Nepal’s claims. This isn’t the first time Oli has staked a claim on Indian territories. His previous assertions were met with similar resistance from India. As Oli took office on July 15, tensions escalated over the disputed border regions.

Historical Context: The Sugauli Treaty

Oli cited the 1816 Sugauli Treaty as the basis for Nepal’s territorial rights. According to this treaty, the areas east of the Mahakali River indeed fall within Nepal’s boundaries. However, India remains steadfast in its rejection of this interpretation.

Diplomatic Commitment

Despite the heated rhetoric, Oli emphasized Nepal’s commitment to peaceful resolution. He highlighted Nepal’s adoption of a new map in 2017, which was later incorporated into the Constitution through the Second Amendment. This map reflects a national consensus on Nepal’s international borders. Oli pointed out that during high-level meetings between the Prime Ministers of Nepal and India, both countries agreed to address border disputes through diplomatic channels.

Strained Relations

The Nepal-India border issue has been a longstanding point of contention. In January 2020, tensions escalated when Kathmandu unveiled a new political map that included Limpiyadhura, Kalapani, and Lipulekh as part of Nepal. India swiftly rejected this move as “unilateral.” The subsequent strained relations underscore the complexity of the territorial dispute.

KP Sharma Oli

As Nepal’s new government settles in, the delicate balance between asserting sovereignty and maintaining diplomatic ties with neighboring India remains a critical challenge for Prime Minister Oli. The world watches closely as these two nations navigate their shared history and territorial claims.
