Israel attacks Hamas targets in Gaza, injuring 41 Palestinians including Israeli soldiers

Israel attacks Hamas targets in Gaza

Tel Aviv: Israeli planes attacked Hamas positions in Gaza late on Saturday. The Israeli army said that violence increased hereafter firing from across the border. In this conflict, one Israeli soldier was seriously injured and two were seriously injured. 41 Palestinians, including Israeli soldiers, were injured in this conflict. People suffered injuries during a Gaza protest organized by the enclave’s Islamic rulers Hamas and other factions in support of Jerusalem. Here in May, the Palestinian conflict with Israeli police helped instigate the 11-day-long Israel-Hamas conflict.

Doctors said more than 40 Palestinian protesters were wounded in clashes with Israeli troops near the border between the eastern Gaza Strip and Israel. A total of 41 Palestinian protesters, including 15 children, were shot and wounded by Israeli soldiers, two of whom are in critical condition, Xinhua news agency quoted Mohammed Abu Silmeya, director of Shifa Hospital here, as saying on Saturday. The Israeli army said in a statement that about 100 Palestinians approached the border fence and threw grenades at soldiers, who opened fire to disperse them. Meanwhile, Israeli media reported that protesters cut barbed wire across the fence.

Israel attacks Hamas targets in Gaza

Israel has blocked the Gaza Strip since 2007
A senior Hamas official, Khalil al-Haya, told the protesters that a confrontation with Israel could still be done. Tensions have risen in recent weeks. Hamas has asked Israel to ease the blockade on the Gaza Strip. The blockade restricts the movement of people and goods in and out of the Gaza Strip. Israel has blocked the Gaza Strip with the help of Egypt since 2007. Israel says that through this, Hamas is prevented from collecting weapons.
