India told the best ‘formula’ to stop the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, read full details

UNSC resolution

United Nations: India expressed concern over the worsening situation in Ukraine and reiterated its call for an immediate end to violence, saying all issues can be resolved through true, honest, and sustained dialogue. India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations TS Tirumurti told the emergency meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on Ukraine on Monday that India is making all possible efforts to rescue Indian citizens stranded in Ukraine.

Tirumurti said, “India is deeply concerned about the worsening situation in Ukraine. We reiterate our call for an immediate end to the violence.” It is worth noting that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had also strongly advocated this in his recent talks with the leadership of Russia and Ukraine. “We reiterate our call to resolve all differences through honest, honest, and sustained dialogue,” Tirumurti said.

He said, “India is making every effort to rescue Indian nationals trapped in Ukraine. The safety of Indian citizens is our first priority, which includes a large number of students.”

Tirumurti also stressed the need for immediate fulfillment of human needs. India also decided to send humanitarian aid to Ukraine on Monday. Also, thanked the neighboring countries of Ukraine for helping in the evacuation of Indian citizens. Meanwhile, at the UN Security Council meeting in Ukraine, Tirumurti raised the issue of the grave humanitarian situation arising in Ukraine.

UNSC India

Tirumurti said, “A serious humanitarian situation has arisen in Ukraine. In such times of conflict, India gives top priority to the safety and well-being of its citizens, especially women, children, and the elderly. We believe that the basic principles of humanitarian aid should be fully respected.” Earlier, India did not participate in the Security Council vote to convene an “emergency special session” of the 193-member UN General Assembly on the issue of Russia’s attack on Ukraine.
