Enough has happened, now there will be ‘action’: Biden on Texas school shooting


New Delhi: According to big news coming from America, there has been a shocking incident of firing in the Texas Shootout on Tuesday afternoon. In fact, here an 18-year-old youth has opened fire at Rob Elementary School. In this attack, 21 people including 18 innocent students have died.

On the other hand, some police officers have claimed that they have killed this young attacker in retaliation. An official on the matter said that the attacker was an old student of the school itself. Regarding the incident, Texas Police said that the attacking youth left his vehicle and entered the school. He also had a handgun and a rifle with him.

Here now US President Joe Biden addressed the nation on the incident. During this, he said that now the time has come to convert this sorrow into action. Actually, President Joe Biden had gone to Japan for the Quad conference. At the same time, as soon as he reached the White House, on Tuesday, he expressed deep grief over this incident of shooting with his wife Jill Biden.

joe Biden

Significantly, this incident shooting in a Texas school is the most brutal and heart-wrenching of the attacks on American schools in this decade. Be aware that almost a decade ago, i.e. on December 14, 2012, there was a similar attack in New Town, Connecticut. Even then this incident was carried out by a 20-year-old youth. 26 people lost their lives in this attack, among them 20 were children. Let us tell you that this is considered to be the most horrific mass shooting in US history so far.
