‘China launches’ carrier missile’ in disputed maritime zone

carrier missile

Beijing: The Chinese Army tested two missiles in the South China Sea, including a “carrier killer”. Military experts say it may have been developed to attack US forces. This information was given in the news published on Thursday in a newspaper. Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post newspaper quoted unnamed sources close to the Chinese military as saying that DF-26B (DF-26B) and DF-21D (DF-21D) missiles were launched on Wednesday in the southern island of Hainan and The parcel was fired in the area between the islands. There was no immediate response from the Ministry of Defense and the Foreign Ministry in Beijing on the request to confirm this news.

One of the world’s busiest trade routes, growing disputes over control of the South China Sea is causing continued bitterness in Beijing’s relationship with Washington and its southern neighbors. The Trump administration rejected Beijing’s claims of sovereignty over much of the disputed territory this year. Parts of it are also claimed by the governments of Vietnam, Philippine and other countries. The tests, conducted on Wednesday, came after China complained that the US U2 spy plane had entered the “no fly zone” declared by Beijing. The DF-21’s target is unusually accurate and is called a military expert “carrier killer” who believes it has been developed to target American aircraft carriers who may be involved in a potential conflict with China. Beijing has spent much of the last two decades trying to develop missiles, fighter jets, nuclear submarines and other weapons to expand its military beyond its borders. The news reported that the DF-26B was launched from the northwestern province of Qinghai, while the DF-21D was launched from the Zhejiang province south of Shanghai on the east coast.
