50 Indian girl students were made ‘slaves’ in UK! High Commission gave assurance of help


London: More than 50 Indian students who reached the United Kingdom from India are reported to be victims of modern slavery. In this regard, the Indian High Commission has assured help and asked to contact through a tweet. The Indian High Commission in London says that we are apprehensive that these Indian students have been exploited, and we are ready to help all of them. They contact us immediately. At the same time, in this case, the Gangmasters and Labor Abuse Authority, the investigating agency of the United Kingdom government, had said that it has received orders from the court against the 5 accused.

The investigating agency says that more than 50 Indian students are feared to be modern slaves and labor exploits. Suspicions have been raised about five people recruited to work in care homes in North Wales. These people recruited poor Indians and then started exploiting them. Took a lot of work from these people but kept them away from salary and other things. These people had kept such students as modern slaves. A complete investigation is going on in this regard. The accused have been given a Slavery and Trafficking Risk Order (STO).


The accused are related to Kerala, interrogation is being done
These 5 arrested people include Mathew Isaac (32), Jinu Cherian (30), Eldhos Cherian (25), Eldhos Kuriachan (25), and Jacob Liju (47). All of them are originally from Kerala. Mathew Issac and Jinu Cherian are husband and wife and it was they who created all the mess. They supplied workers through the registered recruitment agency Alex Care Solutions. It is alleged that they were not paying the Indian students properly.
