Washington: Eminent Indian-American mathematician Nikhil Srivastava, who teaches at the University of California, Berkeley, has been jointly selected by the American Mathematical Society (AMS) for the first Cipriani Foyes Prize in ‘Operator Theory’.
Apart from Srivastava, two other awardees are Adam Marcus and Daniel Spielman. Adam Marcus is the Chair of Combinational Analysis at the cole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland, while Spielman is an outstanding professor of computer science, statistics, and professor of data science and mathematics.

A media release said that the award recognizes his highly seminal work, which pioneered and developed methods for understanding specific polynomials of matrices, including the ‘Iterative Sparsification’ method (also in collaboration with Batson) and The method of adding polynomials i.e. ‘interlacing polynomials’ is involved.
“Together, these ideas provided a powerful toolkit with many applications,” said AMS, most notably the three highly successful research papers “Interlacing Family II: Mixed Characteristic Polynomials and the Cadison–Singer Problem” (Annals of Mathematics, 2015). ), which solves the famous “paving problem” in operator theory formulated in 1959 by Richard Cadison and Isador Singer. In a joint statement, the three awardees said they would like to acknowledge on behalf of the many others whose work contributed to the solution of the Cadison-Singer Problem.