Situations like third world war! Know which country is on whose side

putin-Volodymyr Zelensky

New Delhi: Russia started large-scale military action against Ukraine early on Thursday. Before the collapse of the Russian-led Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine was also a constituent. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s waging war against Ukraine is an attempt to push the US-dominated North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which is rapidly expanding into neighboring Eastern Europe.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced in a televised address a military operation to demilitarize Ukraine, warning that those “interfering” in the matter would face consequences they had previously warned. would never have encountered. At the same time, other Western powers including America and Britain warned that the world would hold Russia accountable for this war.

At the same time, some countries have supported Russia, while some have taken a more cautious approach. The Russian invasion of Ukraine shook world markets and raised fears of a massive war that could involve many nations. Here we take a look at which country stands where and what it is going to do next in this fast-moving conflict.

As the most powerful member of NATO, the US holds the key to what happens next and how in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. For your information, let us tell you that America has rejected Russia’s demand that Ukraine should not become a member of NATO. Warning Russia of swift and dire consequences, the US has increased its arms shipments and the presence of its troops in Kyiv. US President Joe Biden spoke to his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky, describing Russia’s attack on Ukraine as “unprovoked and unjustified”.


United Kingdom
Britain supports Ukraine. Prime Minister Boris Johnson met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in February 2022. He has warned Russia against the human cost of war. Soon after the attack, Boris Johnson said he was shocked by the “horrific events” in Ukraine. “Russian President Putin has chosen a path of bloodshed and destruction by launching this unprovoked attack on Ukraine,” he said. Britain and our allies will give a decisive answer.” Boris Johnson has announced sanctions on some of Putin’s aides and Russian banks. But Britain is a haven for Russian moneylenders, and the current crisis may have been a major factor in influencing the British government’s approach to Russia.

Germany’s approach to Russia regarding the Ukraine crisis is more cautious. Because the Social Democrats of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz have traditionally promoted rapprochement with Russia. Germany, Europe’s largest economy, has expanded its trade and energy ties with Moscow in recent years. Germany has now stopped work on a pipeline connecting Russia to Germany. Following the invasion of Ukraine, Germany is extensively reconsidering its dependence on Russia for gas supplies.

European Union
European Union chief Ursula von der Leyen has condemned Russia’s attack on Ukraine and vowed to hold it accountable. EU chief Ursula von der Leyen wrote on Twitter: “We strongly condemn Russia’s unwarranted attack on Ukraine. In this dark time, our thoughts are with Ukraine and its innocent women, men, and children. Because they are facing this unprovoked attack and are facing the risk of their lives. We will hold the Kremlin accountable for this.”

China has opposed this move by the US and Western countries, calling the economic sanctions on Russia “illegal”. Reiterating calls for a peaceful solution to the crisis, it has blamed the US for “increasing tensions” on Ukraine. Actually, China wants to strike a balance with Russia and Western countries. Supporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine will worsen China’s relations with the West.

But it also wants to boost its growing ties with Russia. That is why China has asked all sides to exercise restraint. China has also told the US that the crisis should be resolved through dialogue, acknowledging Russia’s “legitimate security concerns”. China supports Russia in its opposition to NATO, as both countries try to counter US influence.

India has called for an immediate de-escalation of tensions between Russia and Ukraine and has warned that the situation is at risk of turning into a major crisis. India has insisted on adopting a diplomatic route to resolve all the issues related to this situation. India has also expressed its deep concern over developments that, if not handled carefully, can undermine the peace and security of the region.

India’s concern also stems from the fact that around 20,000 Indian nationals, including students, are stranded in Ukraine and its border areas. A government official said, “We are providing necessary facilities for the safe return of all Indian nationals including Indian students.” Russia has said that India’s stand on the Ukraine crisis in the United Nations Security Council is between the two countries.

The attitude of the countries that had previously joined the Soviet Union
Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia, which were part of the Soviet Union, became NATO members in 2004. They are naturally opposed to Russia’s actions in Ukraine. Belgium has, in fact, called Russia’s attack on Ukraine the darkest time in Europe’s history since World War II.

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s meeting with Putin in Moscow after Russia’s attack on Ukraine has sparked strong global reactions. The US has reacted to Imran Khan’s meeting with Putin, saying that it is the responsibility of every “responsible” country to object to Russia’s actions in Ukraine. The US has conveyed its position to Pakistan on the situation in Ukraine and efforts to advance diplomacy on the war.

Imran Khan discussed issues with Putin, including economic and regional security cooperation and their mutual concerns in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. Imran Khan is the first foreign leader to meet Vladimir Putin after Russian troops entered eastern Ukraine. Imran Khan’s visit to Moscow is the first visit by a Pakistani prime minister to Russia in 23 years, an implicit endorsement of the Russian leader’s actions.
