Karni Sena chief Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi shot dead in Jaipur, CCTV footage released by police

Karni Sena chief Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi shot dead

Jaipur: Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi, the president of Rashtriya Rajput Karni Sena, a fringe group that claims to protect the interests of the Rajput community, was shot dead by three assailants at his residence in Shyamnagar, a posh area of Jaipur, on Tuesday. The attackers entered his house and fired at him multiple times, hitting his chest and head. The incident took place in broad daylight and lasted for just 19 seconds. The CCTV footage of the crime has been released by the police.

Gogamedi was rushed to the hospital but could not be saved. He was hit by four bullets, according to the police. His security guard and another person who tried to intervene were also injured in the attack. One of the attackers also died in the crossfire. The police have arrested one of the accused and are looking for the other two. The motive behind the murder is not clear yet.

The murder of Gogamedi sparked outrage among his supporters and followers, who took to the streets in Jaipur and other parts of Rajasthan. They burned tires, blocked roads, and shouted slogans against the government and the police. They demanded justice for Gogamedi and action against the culprits. The governor of Rajasthan has summoned the director general of police (DGP) to review the law and order situation in the state. The police have also deployed additional forces in Gogamedi’s hometown of Gogamedi in Hanumangarh district, where he was supposed to visit on Wednesday.

Gogamedi was a controversial figure who had led several protests and agitations against the alleged distortion of Rajput history and culture in films and media. He had opposed the release of films like Padmaavat, Jodhaa Akbar, and Panipat, claiming that they hurt the sentiments of the Rajput community. He had also threatened violence and vandalism against the filmmakers and actors. He had also been accused of inciting communal hatred and violence in the past. He had a large following among the Rajput youth and was seen as a potential political leader.

Karni Sena chief Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi shot dead

Police are also keeping full vigil in Gogamedi town
Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi was originally a resident of Gogamedi in Hanumangarh district. After his murder, the police are keeping an eye on the entire situation there too. In Sikar city, Gogamedi’s supporters protested by burning tires at Bajrang Kante. Protests have also been held in the Alwar district against this murder. However, the police are keeping an eye on the entire matter. The search for the accused is on. One of the accused is said to have been arrested.
