Farmers will march on foot on 1 February to Parliament; Budget will be presented on this day

On 1 February, the central government will present its budget

will march on foot on 1 February to Parliament

New Delhi: After getting permission for the tractor parade on January 26, the leader of the revolutionary farmers union, Darshan Pal, who was protesting on the Delhi border, said on Monday that on February 1, he would march on foot to Parliament House. Let us know that the first phase of the budget session will run from 29 January to 15 January. On 1 February, the central government will present its budget. Earlier, Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said in an interaction with ANI on Monday that farmers could have chosen any other day for Republic Tractor Rally besides the Republic Day, but now they announced Has given In such a situation, the biggest challenge for farmers and police administration is to carry out the parade peacefully without any incident. On the question of when the farmers’ movement will end, the Union Minister said that the protest will end soon. He said, “Everyone has the right to express their opposition, when we saw a small number of farmers protesting against the New Farm Law, we tried to listen to their concerns and try to resolve the issue through dialogue “We hope that this issue will be resolved soon.” Following the directions of the Supreme Court, Delhi Police approved the tractor parade on Sunday.

kisan andolan nn

Center awaits farmers’ response
The Agriculture Minister said that the government’s proposal to suspend the new agricultural laws for one to one and a half years is a “best offer” and he hopes that the protesting farmers’ organizations will reconsider it and convey their decision. The 11th round of talks between the government and representatives of 41 farmer organizations were also fruitless. In the tenth round of talks, the government offered to suspend the new agricultural laws for one to one and a half years, but this was rejected by the farmer unions. The government had asked the unions to reconsider the proposal and aware of its decision in the 11th round of talks. Tomar said, “The government has given the best offer to the farmer unions. I hope they will discuss among themselves and make us aware of their decision. Once he is made aware of this, we will take it forward. “

Parade instructions: Tricolor will be on every tractor, patriotic songs will be played
armer leaders on Sunday appealed to the people participating in the Republic Day Tractor Parade to keep ration available for 24 hours as well as to maintain peace during the parade. A farmer leader said, ‘No one should have arms or liquor. Banners with inflammatory messages will not be allowed. He said, ‘Three places have been set up to start the parade, including the Singh, Tikri, and Ghazipur borders.’ During the parade, farmer leaders will walk in front of their cars.

Farmer leaders said that the tricolor flag will be put on every tractor and during this time folk music and patriotic songs will be played. Only five people will be allowed to ride each tractor.
A farmer leader said, ‘In view of the cold, all keep their jackets and blankets, etc. and everyone has to come back to the beginning of their parade.’
