New Delhi: There is good news for the students who wish to study at IITs in the country. This year admission will be given in 16,598 seats of 23 IITs in the country, which is 366 more seats than last year. Last year, a total of 16 thousand 232 seats were given admission. This information was released on the website of Joint Counseling JoSAA of IIT-NIT.
Similarly, there has been an increase of 980 seats in Triple IT and 681 in GFTI, thus increasing 2,024 seats this year, out of which 1,490 are from gender neutral pool and 534 from the super numerical female pool.
Admission will be given to a total of 54,477 seats
Arun Jain, Center Head, Allen Career Institute Pune informed that this year, through JoSAA counseling, a total of 54,477 seats for 23 IITs, 32 NITs, 33 GFTIs, and 26 Triple ITs will be admitted. Of which 16,598 of 23 IITs, of which 15,031 seats are from gender neutral pool and 1,567 of the super numeric female pool. Similarly, out of 23,994 seats in 32 NITs, 23,245 have gender neutral pool and 749 super-numeric female pool. Of the 26 Triple IT seats in 7,126 seats, 6,501 belong to the gender-neutral pool and 625 super numeric female pools. Of the 6,759 seats in 33 GFTIs, 6,729 are in the gender-neutral pool, and 30 are in the super-numerary female pool. JoSAA counseling will allot 51,506 seats out of 54,477 seats from the gender-neutral pool and 2971 seats from the super numerical female pool comprising all IITs, NITs, and triple ITs.

Recorder Response on 1st September
After the release of the question papers of the JEE-Advanced exam conducted by IIT Mumbai on August 28, the recorded responses of the students were released on September 1. The student will be able to assess his/her scores through the recorded response issued. The provisional answer key of JEE-Advanced will be released on September 3, on which feedback can be given till September 4. After this, the final answer key and result of JEE-Advanced will be released on September 11 at 10 am, Arun Jain informed.