New Delhi: In a significant announcement for engineering aspirants nationwide, the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) has commenced the distribution of admit cards for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced 2024 on May 17. The hall tickets, which serve as a gateway to the examination, are now available for download by the registered candidates on the official JEE Advanced website at jeeadv.ac.in. The release of the admit cards at 10 am was promptly followed by the dispatch of direct links to the candidates’ registered email addresses, ensuring a seamless access process.
Live Updates on JEE Advanced Admit Card 2024
Regarded as a critical milestone for securing admission into the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and other leading engineering institutions, the JEE Advanced exam is a dream for many. The admit card is not just a document but a testament to the dedication and hard work of the aspirants preparing for this challenging exam.
The examination is slated for May 26, with two distinct sessions planned for the day. The morning session, or Paper 1, will run from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon, while the afternoon session, Paper 2, is scheduled from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM. Following the examination, the provisional answer key will be made available on June 2, 2024, with the final answer key and the results set to be announced on June 9, 2024.
How to Download Your JEE Advanced Admit Card 2024
To obtain your admit card, follow these steps:
- Visit the official JEE Advanced portal at jeeadv.ac.in.
- Navigate to the homepage and click on the ‘JEE Advanced 2024 admit card’ link once it’s live.
- Enter your login credentials in the provided fields and submit.
- Your admit card will be displayed on the screen.
- Verify the details and download the admit card for future reference.
Understanding the JEE Advanced 2024 Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme
The JEE Advanced is structured as a computer-based test (CBT) comprising two papers, each lasting three hours. The papers will evaluate candidates’ proficiency in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

Exam Format Highlights:
- The exam will feature a mix of question types, including numerical answer type (NAT) questions, multiple-choice questions (MCQs), and matching-type questions.
- For MCQs, candidates will receive three marks for each correct answer and incur a one-mark penalty for incorrect answers.
- NAT questions will reward three marks for correct responses, with no penalty for incorrect ones.
- Matching-type questions will be scored with one mark for each correct match and no deductions for incorrect responses.
Candidates are encouraged to stay updated with the latest information and details by regularly visiting the IIT Madras official website.