Higher Education Department has released general promotion guidelines

Students will pass on the basis of previous examinations


Bhopal: Under the government announcement and UGC guidelines, the Higher Education Department has issued a guideline to give general promotion to the students of UG first year, second year, and second PG semesters. Universities have to prepare exam results under the guidelines. Accordingly, their results will be released.


These students will be given general promotion on the basis of internal assessment and previous exam scores. Talk that about 11 lakh students of the state are to be given general promotion this time. Universities have not been able to take exams this time due to Corona infection. In view of this, the government has issued a guideline for the general promotion of UG first and second year.

Higher Education Department has given admission in the upcoming class on the basis of exam results of last year and internal assessment of the current semester for the students of undergraduate (UG) first, second year, and postgraduate (PG) second-semester examinations.

The UG final year and PG fourth semester examinations will be conducted by students at their home through an open-book system. All the exams will be held in September and the results will be released in October. After getting orders from the department, the university has started preparing its own time table.

Students of UG final year and PG fourth semester will prepare their registered or A-4 size page answer book. In this, they will write their roll number, nomination, college name, and page number of the paper with their own hands. Only blue and black pens will be used while writing the answer. All other types of usage will be prohibited.

All the universities will conduct the examinations by the end of September and will release the results of all the students by October. – Results of first-year students will be prepared based on 100 percent internal assessment. – The results of the students of the second year and semester will be 50 percent of the results of the previous year and will be prepared on the basis of internal assessment of the current year and semester.

A special examination will be conducted in November for students who do not appear in the Open Book Examination.

Online exam
Rajiv Gandhi University of Technology will conduct the final semester examinations by 24 August. Students entering from the second to seventh semester will be given a general promotion and sent in the next semester. In the last semester, examinations of about 36 thousand students will start from August 24, which will run till August 31.

In the remaining second to seventh semester, there are about one and a half lakh students in BE and BPharma, which will be passed on the basis of internal assessment and the results of the previous year. After the completion of the theory exams, there will be online practical November 4-9. Arrangements have been made to conduct the examinations safely and by UGC norms.

Students who do not attend the online examination will be able to appear in special examinations starting from September 15. These examinations will run till 23 September. Apart from this, online classes for the third, fifth and seventh semesters will start from August 17. Whereas the classes of students entered in the upcoming session 2020-21 will start from October 15.

Copies of students studying in colleges will be submitted in schools
All universities will upload the login ID and the question paper on the designated website. The college will send class and subject wise papers to the registered mobile number and email ED of its students. In the open book examination system, the examinees will write the answer book while staying at their residence. Student answer book will have to be deposited in the collection center. These centers will be determined by the principal.

This would include high secondary schools, high schools, private and government colleges. Students will be able to send the answer book to the college office by post and e-mail. The results will be declared giving 50 percent weightage of the marks of the previous years and 50 percent of the marks of the Open Book Examination to the students of the last year and semester of UG-PG. 5.71 lakh students will be included in the final year undergraduate and postgraduate fourth-semester examination.
