Athens: Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey, has always supported Pakistan on many things. Meanwhile, a new revelation has been revealed about him. This is revealed by a well-known journalist in Greece in his report. Indeed, Greek journalist Andreas Mountjaurouli has claimed in his report that Erdogan is planning to send rebel militants of Syria to Kashmir to assist Pakistan. For this, Turkish authorities have also talked to several terrorist groups. In his article published on Greece’s news website Pentapostagma, Andreas Mountjaurouli wrote that Muhammad Abu Imsa, commander of the Suleiman Shah Brigades of the Syrian National Army Militia, has told his fellow militia members a few days ago that Turkey from here to some of its units in Kashmir Wants to deploy. The Suleiman Shah brigades have open support from Turkey, which has complete control over the Afrin district in northern Syria.
The commander of Suleiman Shah Brigade Abu Imsa also said that Turkish officials are talking to other Syrian armed gangs about this. They are asking the gang commanders to name the people who want to go to Kashmir. Abu Imsa said that the terrorists going to Kashmir will also be given an amount of $ 2000 from Turkey. The commander told his gang that Kashmir is as mountainous as Argonia’s Nargono Karabakh. Turkey openly supported Azerbaijan in the battle with Armenia. Not only this, Turkey also deployed its allied militant organization fighters in Syria to fight in Qarabakh. This was confirmed by the French President Emmanuel Macro himself. These terrorists, called ‘Killing Machines’, were also given a lot of money for the war with the Christian country of Armenia in favor of the Muslim country Azerbaijan.
Turkey supports Pakistan
The report notes that Turkish President Erdogan is trying to become the greatest leader of the Muslim world. President Erdogan is taking such steps to challenge Saudi Arabia’s dominance over the Islamic world. The journalist has even written that Erdogan is even threatening India in the Kashmir issue. He wrote that Turkey has been engaged in aggressive preparations against Greece, Cyprus and Egypt in the Mediterranean Sea region for a long time. Greece’s journalist has claimed that Turkey and Pakistan want to loot the land of other countries by increasing defense cooperation among themselves. Recently, during the Shield of Mediterranean maneuvers, Pakistani fighter aircraft reached Turkey. President Erdogan wants to try to occupy the land of Greece with the help of Pakistan. That is why he is planning to send terrorist groups to assist Pakistan on the issue of Kashmir.