Mumbai: The 2001 blockbuster film Gadar: Ek Prem Katha, starring Bollywood actor Sunny Deol, will be re-released in cinemas worldwide on June 15. The film’s much-awaited sequel Gadar 2: The Katha Continues will release on August 11, but just two months before that, Partition-based drama Gadar: Ek Prem Katha will be re-released, an official said. The film is directed by Anil Sharma who also directed the original film produced by Zee Studios.
An official from the production company said that Gadar: Ek Prem Katha was slated to release on June 15, 2001. Again the decision to release this film on the same day was taken so that people would be curious about Gadar. According to a Zee Studios official, “Ahead of the release of Gadar Part II, Zee Studios plans to digitally preserve and release the first part in a new format in the same way Avatar was re-released. The film will be re-released on June 15. During a media interaction, director Anil Sharma said that he is happy about the re-release of Gadar in theatres.
He said, ‘I am happy that people are taking interest in watching Gadar. Just like Avatar and Bahubali were re-released, similarly, Gadar will also be re-released. We are in the process of planning things for the same. Gadar: Ek Prem Katha is the story of a Sikh youth, Tara Singh (Sunny Deol), who falls in love with a Pakistani Muslim girl, Sakina (Ameesha Patel). In the sequel, Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel will reprise their roles.
The Gadar film and Aamir Khan starrer Lagaan were released on the same day. It was said to be the biggest box office battle of that era. However, both films became superhits and did well at the box office.