New Delhi: The audience is eagerly awaiting the release of ‘Bahubali’ Prabhas and Saif Ali Khan’s most awaited film ‘Adipurush’. At the same time, another incident took place on the set of this film today. On Monday, a fierce fire has erupted on the set of the shooting of the film. According to media reports, the incident took place a few hours after the shooting started, although it has been told that director Om Raut and the film’s team are safe. There is no loss of any kind of life in this accident.
The fire was so fierce that the fumes of smoke could be seen in the video going viral on social media from far away. Many pictures are also going viral on social media along with videos from the set of this film. The studio is located near Mumbai’s Inorbit Mall. Eight fire engines reached the spot to control the fire. According to preliminary information, the cause of the fire is being told as a short circuit.
Let me tell you, recently Prabhas has told the fans through his social media account that the shooting of his film has started. Prabhas, sharing the film’s poster on Instagram, wrote, ‘Celebrating well over evil’. ‘Start’ is written on the poster, which means that the shooting of the film has started. He has also tagged Saif Ali Khan, Bhushan Kumar on his posted Delhi. The audience is eagerly awaiting the release of ‘Bahubali’ Prabhas and Saif Ali Khan’s most awaited film ‘Adipurush’. At the same time, another incident took place on the set of this film today. On Monday, a fierce fire has erupted on the set of the shooting of the film. According to media reports, the incident took place a few hours after the shooting started, although it has been told that director Om Raut and the film’s team are safe. There is no loss of any kind of life in this accident.
The fire was so fierce that the fumes of smoke could be seen in the video going viral on social media from far away. Many pictures are also going viral on social media along with videos from the set of this film. The studio is located near Mumbai’s Inorbit Mall. Eight fire engines reached the spot to control the fire. According to preliminary information, the cause of the fire is being told as a short circuit.
Let me tell you, recently Prabhas has told the fans through his social media account that the shooting of his film has started. Prabhas, sharing the film’s poster on Instagram, wrote, ‘Celebrating good over evil’. ‘Start’ is written on the poster, which means that the shooting of the film has started. He has also tagged Saif Ali Khan, Bhushan Kumar on his post.