New Delhi: The White House made a big announcement on Thursday. According to the White House, US President Joe Biden has entrusted a very important responsibility to Indian-American Dr. Ashish Jha. The White House said that Dr. Ashish Jha will act as the coordinator of President Joe Biden’s Covid-19 response from next month.
After Dr. Ashish Jha’s appointment to the post, Biden said in a statement that Dr. Jha is one of America’s leading public health experts and has become a figure to many Americans with his intelligence and calm public appearance. , The White House said that current Covid-19 coordinator Jeff Gents and his deputy Natalie Quillian are leaving the administration in April. Now Dr. Jha will be appointed in his place.
Indian-origin Dr. Ashish Jha researcher Jha is also the dean of Brown University’s School of Public Health. Dr. Jha was born in 1970 in Pursauliya, Bihar. He moved to Canada in 1979 and later he moved to the United States in 1983. Dr. Jha took a degree in economics from Columbia University in 1992 and after that, in 1997 he took his MD from Harvard Medical School.
Praising the Jeff Gents team currently serving as the COVID-19 Response Coordinator, less than 1 percent of Americans were vaccinated when Jeff was given this responsibility, less than half of our schools open Huh. The situation was bad regarding Corona. But today more than 80 percent of people have been vaccinated and almost all schools have opened.