Democrats release digital advertisements in 14 Indian languages ​​to woo voters

poster indian language

Washington: In the US, the Democratic Party in 14 Indian languages ​​to entice South Asian voters (Voters) in the presidential elections held on November 3. Issued ‘digital graphics’. The Democratic Party has appointed former country’s Vice President Joe Biden as its candidate.

Ajay Jain Bhutoria, member of the Biden Election Campaign’s Asian American Pacific Islander Leadership Council and National Finance Committee, said, “By leveraging the reach and technology of our people, we are informing South Asian Americans how to register them.” And how to request voting via e-mail.

We will give them information about voting for Biden-Kamala Harris. ” He said, “Chale chalo, vote Biden” The musical video went viral, became quite popular among the community and “Wake America, Wake, Don’t Forget to Vote Biden-Harris” in more than 14 languages. This is a step forward in this chain of accessibility. ” Bhutoria said that people feel connected to music, food, language and culture.

He said that the Indian American community is excited to make Biden the next President and Kamala Harris the first Vice President of Indian origin. Earlier, Bhutoria launched campaigns in 14 Indian languages ​​to reach the Indian community.

He said, “How should the leader of America be like Biden”. The line was translated into 14 Indian languages ​​and its graphics went viral on social media. “
