Mumbai: Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, who has been in the limelight with her statements, is getting increasing difficulty. While hearing the petition in Mumbai’s Bandra Court filed in a case against Kangana, the court has ordered to register an FIR.
The petitioner in the case, Bollywood casting director Munnawar Ali aka Sahil Ashraf Syed, had said in the petition that Kangana Ranaut is constantly trying to discredit Bollywood. Everywhere from social media plate form to TV, she is speaking out against Bollywood and making many serious allegations. Kangana is constantly calling Bollywood a den of nepotism and favoriteism and is defaming her.
The petition alleged that Kangana Ranaut, through her tweet, tries to create a quarrel in the Hindu-Muslim community in Bollywood. He says that Kangana promotes hatred between the two communities. In such a situation, Kangana is accused of promoting communalism, due to which the Bandra court has ordered an FIR to be registered against Kangana.
At the same time, Kangana tweeted in this case, wrote, “Another FIR has been lodged against me, Pappu army in Maharashtra is seen to be attacking me. Don’t miss me so much, I’ll be back there soon. “