Washington: New restrictions have been imposed on Americans returning home from the Thanksgiving holidays due to coronavirus infection. Health officials fear the coronavirus infection could spiral out of control as large numbers of people gather during the holidays. Los Angeles County has issued a stay order for its 10 million residents and Santa Clara County, located in the heart of Silicon Valley, has banned the opening of professional sports, secondary schools, and colleges, and 150 miles outside the county. Those who travel long distances are ordered to stay in isolation.

The mayor of Hawaii County stated that passengers arriving from across the Pacific without a report of being infected with Covid-19 would have to stay in isolation for 14 days But select people may be asked to re-investigate. All youth sports are banned in New Jersey. Health Officer Dr. Sarah Cody said the transition to Santa Clara County is like a “fast-moving train.” Health officials had appealed to Americans to stay home and not meet outsiders on Thanksgiving.
Despite this, about 1.2 million people passed through US airports on Sunday, the highest number since the outbreak in March. In addition, a large number of people went through the highway to meet their families and friends. Corona virus infection has killed more than 267,000 people in the United States and has infected more than 13.4 million people so far.