Commercial LPG Gas cylinder prices increased after 3 months

Commercial LPG Gas cylinder

New Delhi: Once again the central government has given a blow to the common man. In fact, today i.e. on July 4, once again the prices of Gas Cylinders Rates have been updated in the metropolitan cities from the country’s capital Delhi to Chennai. As always, this time too, as far as the price of domestic LPG gas cylinders is concerned, there has been no significant change in all four metropolitan cities. But on the other hand, there has been an increase in the price of Commercial LPG Rates this time.

According to the received news, the price of a 19 kg non-domestic cylinder has been increased by Rs 7/cylinder. In such a situation, now the price of a 19 kg non-domestic cylinder has increased from Rs 1,773 to Rs 1,780 per cylinder in Delhi today. However, there is some relief to the common man as there has been no change in the prices of domestic LPG cylinders. However, due to the rise in the price of commercial gas cylinders, its pressure falls on the common man somewhere.

know where how many rates The price of commercial gas cylinders in Delhi has increased from Rs 7/cylinder to Rs 1,780 now. In the month of June, the price was Rs.1773.
Commercial LPG price in Kolkata has increased by Rs 7 to Rs 1732 now. Earlier this price was Rs 1725.
The commercial LPG price in Mumbai is now Rs.1,780. Earlier this rate was Rs.1773.
Commercial LPG price in Chennai has increased from Rs 7/cylinder to Rs 1944 now. Earlier this rate was Rs.1937.

Although this time too, no change has been seen in the price of domestic gas cylinders, the price which was paid by the people of the four metropolitan cities of the country last month, now you will have to pay the same price in the month of July.

Commercial LPG Gas cylinder

By the way, for the last time in the month of March, there was a change in the price of domestic gas cylinders. Then the petroleum companies increased the price of domestic LPG by Rs. On the other hand, there was a fall in the price of commercial gas cylinders.

If seen in this way, after three months now an increase has been seen in the price of commercial gas cylinders. However, no change has been seen in the price of domestic LPG cylinders for the third consecutive month i.e. since March. The price of domestic gas cylinders (14.2 kg) remains at Rs 1103 even today.
