Washington: China is preparing its army for war on Taiwan. Retired US Army Lieutenant General and former National Security Advisor, HR McMaster also said that relations between China and Taiwan are becoming increasingly tense. Actually, Taiwan considers itself an independent country from China, while Beijing has been claiming it and considers control over the island necessary.
HR McMaster said during a conversation on CBS News’s Face the Nation, “I believe that China may prepare for military action to control Taiwan.”The retired lieutenant general of the US Army said that Chinese President Xi Jinping has planned to bring Taiwan under his control several times.
‘China wants to integrate Taiwan into its country’
HR McMaster said, “Xi Jinping has made it very clear in his statements that from his point of view, he is going to make China whole again by re-incorporating Taiwan.” He added, “More preparations.” Is going on’. China’s military threats to Taiwan have escalated in recent months and its top leaders have said the island nation has no choice but to accept Chinese rule.

‘Jinping is preparing the Chinese people for war’
HR McMaster said, “China has rapidly increased its aggression, not only from an economic-financial and coercive style of diplomacy but also physically as a military.” He added, “And what exactly Disturbing thing, I think Xi Jinping is preparing the Chinese people for war.
Meanwhile, China’s Defense Ministry spokesman, Colonel Tan Kefei, said at a monthly press conference that the PLA would continue such missions (against Taiwan) as long as Taiwan’s pro-independence Democratic Party “continues to provoke and provoke disputes between the two sides”. The policy that creates enmity does not end.’ He said, ‘The PLA has always protected national sovereignty and territorial integrity.’