Beijing: China has now started bridging the artificial islands created in the South China Sea with weapons. Recent satellite images have revealed that China has deployed several fighters and patrol aircraft, heavy transport helicopters, and anti-aircraft missiles on these disputed islands. This is the reason why China has disputes with Taiwan, Vietnam, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, and the Philippines over the entire area.
The Washington Times has reported on the basis of satellite images of Maxar that China has deployed KJ-500 Airborne Warning and Control aircraft at the military base built in the Spratly Islands in May and June. Other satellite images showed Y-9 transport aircraft and Z-8 heavy transport helicopters standing at the airbase on Subi Reef.
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Former Naval Intelligence Officer Michael Dahm of the US Navy said that looking at satellite images shows that China has permanently stationed these planes on the island. Michael is currently working with Johns Hopkins University. He said that the biggest change in military activity in 2021 is the presence of Chinese Special Mission KK aircraft and helicopters in Subi and Mischief Reefs.

At the same time, Dr. Bryce Wakefield, National Executive Director of the Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA), told news.com.au that this shows that China is trying to increase its control over the region.
Giving examples, he explained that China’s so-called maritime militias can exploit maritime assets to the fullest without fighting. Millions of ships are involved in China’s maritime militia.