Washington: US President Joe Biden with President Ashraf Gani of Afghanistan and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, President of the High Council for National Reconciliation. Will meet at the White House on June 25.
“The visits of President Ghani and Dr. Abdullah (NATO in Afghanistan) will underline the enduring partnership between the United States and Afghanistan while reducing troop numbers,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Sunday. “Biden looks forward to welcoming President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, President of the National Reconciliation High Council, to the White House on June 25,” he said.

Saki said the US is committed to providing diplomatic, economic, and humanitarian assistance to support Afghan citizens, including Afghan women, girls, and minorities. He said the US will continue to communicate with the government of Afghanistan to ensure that the country does not again become a haven for terrorist groups that threaten the United States.
“The United States fully supports the ongoing peace process and encourages all Afghan parties to participate meaningfully in negotiations to end the conflict,” Saki said.