Mumbai: Actor and comedian Kapil Sharma is now going to start a new inning. After his strong acting and unmatched comedy, he is now going to make his singing debut. Bhushan Kumar is about to launch Kapil Sharma for his singing debut. Along with Kapil Sharma, famous rappers Guru Randhawa, and Yogita Bihani will also be seen in his upcoming single Alone.
Presented by T-Series, it’s a heartbreak song composed & written by Guru Randhawa. Which is directed by music video director Gifty. The song has been shot in a beautiful location in Manali. This song will be released on February 9, 2023. Let us inform you that actor Kapil Sharma has made a special identity in every house with his show ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’.
He has entertained his audience a lot through this show. Kapil Sharma made his acting debut in the year 2015 with the Bollywood film ‘Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon Main’. Kapil Sharma has worked really hard after participating in a reality show and getting acclaimed from the nightingale Lata Mangeshkar to now launching a song with T-Series. Fans are very excited to hear his upcoming single.