New Delhi: The fever of Allu Arjun’s film Pushpa has now crossed the threshold of the country and reached abroad. David Warner, the star player of the Australian cricket team, has recently shared his photos inspired by his favorite superstar Allu Arjun. These photos of him are becoming increasingly viral on social media.
Let us tell you that in the past, Allu Arjun’s film ‘Pushpa-2’ A poster was released, in which Allu Arjun was seen wearing a lemon garland around his neck, a flower necklace, a nose ring, big earrings, and a blouse. Her look was similar to the Hindu goddess Maa Kali’s. He was holding a pistol in his hands. After this, there was a lot of controversy regarding this poster.
Now seeing David Warner in the same getup as Pushpa, a debate has started on social media. Fans are also commenting on this post of David. Some people are praising his comic sense, while some people are seen taunting him for his performance in IPL so far. Commenting on David’s look, a person said- ‘David Pushpa.’ Please tell me that usually David Warner is seen entertaining the fans with his edited funny videos.