Lahore: An American woman was allegedly gang-raped by two men in Pakistan’s Punjab province on Tuesday. Police said that the incident took place at Fort Munro Hill Station in DG Khan district, 500 km from Lahore city. The victim was called for video blogging by her two friends Muzmil Sipra and Azaan Khosa. The victim woman is a video blogger and runs a Facebook page related to blogging.
The victim was living in Pakistan on a tourist visa for seven months
DG Khan District Deputy Commissioner Anwar Bariyar said that according to the information, the 21-year-old victim was living in Pakistan on a tourist visa for the last seven months. The American girl had traveled from Karachi to Fort Monroe. She reached Muzmil Sipra’s house on Sunday after coming to Lahore. Sipra hails from the Rajanpur district of Punjab, which is located at a distance of 550 km from Lahore.
According to news agency PTI, the FIR filed by the victim visited Fort Munro and on Sunday created a blog along with Sipra and her friend Azaan Khosa.
The victim has alleged that “we stayed at a hotel in Fort Monroe where both the suspects gang-raped me and also made a video of it to blackmail me.”
Action will be taken under sections 376 and 292B
Sipra has been arrested by the Border Military Police and raids are being conducted to arrest Azan Khosa. He has been charged under sections 376 and 292B of the Pakistan Penal Code. Police said that a medico-legal examination of the victim woman has been done.
Chief Minister took cognizance of the incident
Punjab Chief Minister Hamza Shahbaz said that he has taken cognizance of the incident. The top policemen of Punjab province have been directed to personally supervise the matter. “The suspects will be given strict punishment as per law and justice will be given to the victim,” news agency PTI quoted Shahbaz as saying.