Washington: The US promoted its intellectual property attache working in India, China, the European Union, and Mexico, and promoted them to Councilor status in the respective embassies. Have given. The Intellectual Property (IP) attache serves as the representative of the US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO).
IP attache directly supports US businesses and seeks to improve policies, laws and regulations related to intellectual property abroad. The USPTO said in a statement on Thursday that four attaches – John Kabeka (US Embassy, New Delhi), Kathina Henderson (US Embassy, Mexico City), Duncan Wilson (US Embassy, Beijing) and Susan Wilson (US Mission in the European Union, Brussels) has been given the status of counselor.

The US Trade Minister Wilbur Ross said, “The USPTO is working closely with other countries to protect global intellectual property rights and to work hard and fulfill the agency’s priorities.” Attache status has been increased. “
Deputy Minister and USPTO Director Andrei Iancu said the promotion of the IP attache is a clear message that the US attaches great importance to the protection and maintenance of intellectual property rights worldwide.