Geneva: The World Health Organisation (WHO) has said that airborne transmission of novel CoronaVirus is not supported by clear evidence.
According to the reports, the statement made by Dr. Benedetta Allegranzi, technical lead of infection prevention and control in the WHO has come after 239 scientists in 32 countries outlined research regarding the spread of COVID-19 through airborne droplet particles.

The researchers called for a relook at the health agency’s recommendations regarding the spread of the COVID infection.
However, WHO has not found the evidence for the virus being airborne as convincing.
Director General, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Shekhar Mande has urged everyone not to let down their guards.
He said, even airborne infections cannot last long in the air.
Speaking to correspondent over the development, Mr. Mande said, by wearing a mask and maintaining physical distancing one can significantly reduce the chances of contraction of COVID infection.