New Delhi: Famous Hollywood actress Nickel Nichols passed away on the night of 31 July. The actress said goodbye to the world forever at the age of 89. Nickel Nichols made his mark among the people with the film ‘Star Trek’. There is a wave of mourning in the entire industry due to this news. The news of the death of the actress herself has been given by her son Keel Johnson from the official Instagram ID of Nickel Nichols. Paying tribute to his mother, he wrote, ‘Sunday, 31st July 2022 Friends, fans, colleagues, the world I am sorry to inform you that great light in the sky no longer shines for us as it has been for so many years.
Last night, my mother, Nickel Nichols, succumbed to natural causes and passed away. His light, however, like the ancient galaxies now being observed for the first time, will remain for us and future generations to enjoy, learn from, and inspire. Hers was a life well lived and a model for all of us. I, and the rest of our family, will appreciate your patience and tolerance.

Because we mourn his loss. until we are well enough to speak further. His services will be for family members and his closest friends and we request that his and our privacy be respected. May you live long and be prosperous’ Keil Johnson! At the same time, Hollywood artists have also expressed their condolences for his departure.