New Delhi: Some time ago, this report came out that there is a lot of stir in Google management regarding ChatGPT of Open AI. The management is feeling threatened by ChatGPT for its search business. That’s why CEO Sundar Pichai himself had held several rounds of meetings. Meanwhile, the statement of Gmail’s creator Paul Buccheit is also very much discussed. Paul has said that the new Artificial Intelligence tool can end the search engine giant Google in the next two years.
Within a week of its launch in November last year, ChatGPT was accessed by more than one million users. This AI tool is much more powerful than Google. Because Google’s search results are based on links. But, ChatGPT also explains difficult topics in very easy language. Its language does not seem mechanical at all.
Paul said this in tweets
Gmail’s creator Paul Buccheit has said in a series of tweets that Google could be completely finished in a year or two. AI will eliminate the search engine result page. This is where the company earns the most money. Even if the company masters AI, the company cannot fully deploy it without destroying the most valuable part of its business.

Paul elaborated that Chat GPT will do with search engines what Google did with Yellow Pages (information diary that existed before Google search engine) and AI will also eliminate the search engine result page from where search engines like Google Make the most of your money.
Paul said that even though search engines like Google have tried to tighten their grip on AI by creating their own version of the OpenAI-based AI model. But they will not be able to fully deploy it without destroying the most valuable part of their business.