Ciudad Victoria: Some gunmen in vehicles opened fire in the Mexican city of Reynosa, bordering the US, killing at least 14 people. The security forces also killed four suspects in retaliation. According to the official Tamaulipas news agency, the attacks took place on Saturday in several nearby areas of eastern Rosa. Several dead bodies are seen on the streets in the pictures of the incident on social media.
Tamaulipas Governor Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca condoled the incident on Sunday and said the motive behind the attack would be ascertained. At the same time, the mayor of Rinosa also said that the townspeople should be protected. The drug trafficking gang Gulf Cartel continues to carry out criminal incidents in this area, but these days internal fights are going on in the gang.

Officials said the Mexican military, the National Guard, state police, and other agencies were deployed after the shootings. They took a man into custody during the investigation, from whose car two women were also found. It is believed that he abducted the women. The authorities have also seized three vehicles. Rhinos is a major entry point into the United States, which borders Texas to McAllen, USA.