Experts expressed concern over America’s decision to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan

US reduces troops in Afghanistan

Washington: Experts have expressed concern over the decision to withdraw US and NATO troops from Afghanistan, saying that the Taliban regroup in the area And the use of Afghanistan’s land as a refuge by terrorists will be a matter of concern for India. US President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that after nearly two decades in Afghanistan, all US troops will be withdrawn from Afghanistan by September 11 this year.

Lisa Curtis, the presidential vice-president in the Donald Trump administration and senior director of NSC for South and Central Asia for 2017-2021, said agencies “The withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan has led to the region’s country, the Taliban. The resurgence will be particularly worrying for India. ”

Curtis said, “When the Taliban controlled Afghanistan in the 1990s, it sheltered, trained and recruited terrorists to raise money from Afghanistan.” Many terrorists, including Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed, were trained in India to carry out attacks such as carrying out the terrorist attack on Parliament in 2001 ”.

Curtis, who served in the US government for more than 20 years and is an expert on foreign policy and national security affairs, is currently a Senior Fellow and Director of the Indo-Pacific Security Program at the Center for New American Security (CNAS) think-tank. “Indian officials will also remember the close alliance between the militants and the Taliban that hijacked an Indian aircraft in December 1999,” he said. India can step up its role in regional efforts for peace and stability in the country, on the lines of the current United Nations effort to ensure that Afghanistan’s land is not used by anti-India terrorists. ”

us troops

Hussain Haqqani, former Pakistan’s ambassador to the US and currently director of South and Central Asia affairs at the Hudson Institute think-tank, told PTI, “India worried about Taliban-occupied territory becoming a refugee for terrorists again Will happen.”

He said the real question is whether the US would continue to help the Afghan government even after the troops were called back so that the people there would be able to counter the Taliban. The Taliban has so far shown no interest in the peace process and has reiterated the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan in the negotiations in Doha.

The Washington Post stated in its editorial that Biden’s plan to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan could be fatal to the region. The Washington Post said, “President Biden chose the easiest way to move out of Afghanistan but the consequences could be dangerous.”

The New York Times said that it may be difficult to ban terrorist organizations for a long time. The Wall Street Journal has also published some similar ideas. According to the agreement signed between the US-Taliban in Doha, the US has agreed to withdraw its troops within 14 months.
