US Urges India to Address Ukraine Conflict with Russia

Matthew Miller

Washington, D.C.: In a recent statement, US Department of State Spokesperson Matthew Miller emphasized the importance of India’s engagement with Russia in the context of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Miller highlighted that India, like other countries, should ensure that any resolution to the conflict aligns with international norms and principles.

Key Points:

  1. PM Modi’s Meeting with President Zelenskyy: Miller acknowledged that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was a significant step. The meeting underscores India’s role as a strategic partner in global affairs.
  2. Respecting the UN Charter and Territorial Integrity: The US urges India to advocate for a resolution that respects the United Nations Charter and upholds Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. This stance aligns with the international consensus on adhering to established norms.
  3. Full and Frank Dialogue: India and the US maintain a robust and candid dialogue. Concerns about India’s relationship with Russia are part of this ongoing conversation. The US encourages India to address these concerns transparently.


India’s position on the Ukraine conflict carries weight given its strategic partnerships with both Russia and the US. As the situation evolves, the international community will closely watch India’s diplomatic approach.
