Gwalior: Amidst the country-wide Corona epidemic (COVID-19) and the troubles that follow, a heartbreaking event is unfolding from Madhya Pradesh. Where a fifth class student committed suicide. It is being reported that before this step was taken by the child, he had attended an online class. However, the question remains as to why the child took this step. An investigation of the case has been started.
Sarthak Saxena, who lives in Gwalior district of Madhya Pradesh, hanged himself on Thursday by making a school tie in the bathroom of his house. It is being reported that the child had attended the online class before this incident. In the case, the child’s father Alkesh Saxena said that he was very smart in meaningful studies. He reported that Sarthak used to attend two online classes. On the other hand, even after the class, he kept collecting interesting and new information for studies.
Relatives say that on the day of the incident, Sarthak continued to study for a long time even after the online class, after which he took a horrible step like suicide. In such a situation, the question remains as to what happened that the child carried out this incident. The police have started an investigation into the case.