300 million vaccines were administered in US, 65 percent of adults received one dose in 150 days


Washington: US President Joe Biden announced that 300 million doses of anti-coronavirus vaccines were administered in 150 days since he took office in the country. Biden attributed this to the efforts of scientists, companies, the American people, and his government.

The president said that 65 percent of adults have had at least one dose, giving hope that this summer things will be relatively normal, businesses will reopen and employers will recruit. “The situation next summer will be different from last year,” the president said. I pray that this summer brings happiness.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that as of June 1, 300 million doses were given in the US. About 141.6 million people, or 42.6 percent of the US population, have been fully vaccinated. In the US about two weeks ago, about two million people were getting vaccinated daily, but this pace has now slowed down, due to which Biden’s goal of getting 70 percent of the population at least partially vaccinated by July 4 is in danger. is coming.

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The Biden administration says the 70 percent vaccination target may not be met, but it will have little effect on America’s overall recovery.
