United Nations: Record levels of methane gas leaking into the Baltic Sea after a pipeline rupture. Not only environmentalists are worried about this, but the United Nations has also expressed concern. About 23 thousand kg of methane gas is being leaked every hour. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has said that the breakdown of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline system at the bottom of the Baltic Sea is expected to be the biggest event of climate-damaging methane leaks.
“It’s really bad,” Manfredi Caltagirone, head of IMEO for UNEP, told Reuters news agency. We need to reduce emissions.”
About 23 thousand kg leak every hour
Researchers at GHGSAT, which uses satellites to monitor methane gas emissions, estimated the leak rate from one of the four breakdown points to be 22,920 kilograms per hour. “This is equivalent to burning approximately 6,30,000 pounds of coal every hour,” GHGSAT said in a statement. ‘
Caltagirón said the total amount of methane leaking from the Gazprom-led (GAZP.MM) pipeline system could exceed even a major leak from the Gulf of Mexico and gas fields in December. She was dispersed to about 100 metric tons per hour. According to research conducted by the Polytechnic University of Valencia and a study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology Letters, the Gulf of Mexico—which can also be seen from space—released about 40,000 metric tons of methane in 17 days.

The equivalent of burning 1.1 billion pounds of coal
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency’s greenhouse gas calculator, this is equivalent to burning 1.1 billion pounds of coal. Let us tell you that the latest satellite technology has rapidly increased the ability of scientists to find and analyze greenhouse gas emissions in recent years. Some governments hope this will help companies detect and prevent methane emissions.