Washington: The new variant of Coronavirus cases in the World Omicron (Covid Omicron Variant) is causing havoc all over the world. Due to the increasing cases of Omicron in America, the corona case is increasing continuously. According to the data of the New York Times, a record 4.88 lakh new cases of the corona were registered here on Wednesday. During this, 1207 people have died. On Tuesday, 3.88 lakh corona infections were found here. There has been an 11% increase in the number of hospitalized patients in the US within the last 2 weeks. At the same time, in France, 2 people are getting infected with this virus every second.
New infection cases in America are making new records every day and touching their highest level. The main reason behind this is said to be the highly infectious Omicron variant. Daily global cases have reached their highest level at a time when the World Health Organization has warned that cases of Omicron and Delta variants could trigger a ‘tsunami’ of the corona.
Know the condition of other countries
Corona infection to 2 people every second in France
According to the data released late Wednesday night of ‘New York Times’, a total of 2.08 lakh new cases were reported in France during 24 hours. Separate information has not been given for Omicron infected. French Health Minister Oliver Veran said- ‘We are surprised to see so many cases. This means that every second two people are being found positive in our country.

Corona records 183,037 cases in Britain
Corona continues to wreak havoc in Britain and Corona wave is creating panic in the whole of Britain. Alam is that within a day, a record 183,037 cases of corona have been registered in the UK. However, these figures of the daily report also include figures for five days of Northern Ireland. Where the investigation due to Christmas has been delayed and the administration has registered about 23,000 cases of infection. At the same time, the UK Health Agency has said that 914,723 people have been found infected in the last seven days due to Corona. Whereas till Wednesday morning, a total of 10,462 people were hospitalized in England due to Corona.
China’s bad condition due to new wave of Corona
China is in bad shape due to the new wave of coronavirus. In view of the increasing infection of Covid in the northwest Chinese city of Xian, the lockdown has been going on for eight days. In this city of 1.3 crore population, many people are hungry for many days. According to the Chinese National Health Commission, on December 29, there have been 156 new local transmission case reports in China. Out of these 156 cases, 155 were from the Jian region. Apart from the local transmission, 51 imported cases of Covid have also been found. Since December 9, 1,117 new cases have been reported in this region.