Washington: There is a great danger looming over Antarctica’s doomsday glacier, the source of unfathomable water on Earth. Its Thwaites Glacier – A long crack has started coming. This glacier is 170,312 km long, which is equal to the US state of Florida. Experts have warned that this glacier will break in the next 5 years. Due to this, the water level in the sea around the world will increase by 25 inches. In such a situation, many areas of the coastal cities of the world including Mumbai can be submerged in water.
New data released Monday suggests that the Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf (TEIS) submarine shoal, or bank, is losing its grip on the warming oceans, which serve as a pinning point for retaining it in the rest of the glacier. Works. Experts said that the speed of the crack coming in this Thwaites Glacier is very high. The water released from this ice will account for 4 percent of the total rise in sea level globally. The satellite data is presented at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
Glaciologist Professor Ted Scambos, the US lead coordinator of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration, or ITGC, told the BBC, ‘The glacier is going to undergo dramatic changes in less than a decade. Both published and unpublished studies point in the same direction.
The lead author of this research and Oregon State University professor Erin Petit compared the dangerously growing cracks to the cracks seen in windshields. He said that it will be as if even after a small collision, like the glass of a car, shatters into hundreds of pieces, in the same way, this huge glacier of ice will be shattered.

Why is the crack coming?
Scientists have found in the study that global warming is not only responsible for the break-up of icebergs in the state of Florida in Antarctica, but a study done in August has shown that a lot of heat is coming out from inside the Earth. This is melting the ice.
The Thwaites Glacier – called the ‘Doomsday Glacier’ because of its effect on sea-level rise, is being affected by the heat emanating from the Earth’s crust. It is about 10 miles north of West Antarctica and 25 miles from East Antarctica.