New Delhi: In the Winter Session of Parliament, 12 bills were introduced till Thursday, December 21, out of which 10 bills have been passed. Out of this, there were two such bills which were laid on the table in the last session. Both houses of Parliament were adjourned sine die on Thursday. According to the data available on the PRS website, a total of 83.2 hours were scheduled for discussion in the Loksabha, out of which only 26.5 hours were worked. The maximum time (37 hours) in the Lower House was spent on non-legislative business. At the same time, out of 45.4 hours, only 21.7 hours of debate took place in the Rajya Sabha.
Bills passed in Parliament also show less time spent on actual discussions on various laws. The Bill to repeal the Agriculture Act was passed after two minutes of debate in the Lok Sabha and eight minutes in the Rajya Sabha. The highly technical Assisted Reproductive Technology Regulation Bill was debated for three hours, 51 minutes in the Lok Sabha with 18 MPs participating in the debate. It was discussed in the Rajya Sabha for only 1 hour and 17 minutes, in which 14 MPs took part in the debate.
Most discussed on this bill
Among the bills passed during the winter session, the High Courts and Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Amendment Bill was discussed for the longest time of 9 hours 3 minutes with 27 Lok Sabha MPs and 17 Rajya Sabha MPs debated.
The Dam Safety Bill, 2019 came second in terms of debate, which was discussed for 9 hours, 1 minute, while on December 2, 22 members of Rajya Sabha discussed it for 4 hours, 24 minutes. It was passed by the Lok Sabha in 2019 itself after a debate of 31 members that lasted for four hours and 37 minutes.
Even the crucial Election Law (Amendment) Bill, which was the subject of active discussion among activists and media, was debated for a total of 1 hour 29 minutes. This bill to link Aadhaar with voter ID cards was passed in Lok Sabha in just 26 minutes.
Laws (Amendment) Bill
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Awaiting President’s assent)
Delhi Special Police Establishment Amendment Bill 2021 (Assent to the President on 21st December. The Bill is now an Act)
Central Vigilance Commission Amendment Bill 20212021 (Assent to the President on 21st December. The Bill is now an Act)
High Court and Supreme Court Judges (Salary and Conditions of Service) Amendment Bill
The Agricultural Laws Repeal Bill, 2021 (Assent to the President. The Bill is now an Act.)
Assisted Reproductive Technology Regulation Bill 2020
Surrogacy Regulation Bill, 2019
Dam Safety Bill
The National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (Amendment) Bill, 2021 (Assent of the President was received on December 18. The Bill is now an Act)

These bills have been placed before the Parliamentary Standing Committee
Child Marriage Prohibition Amendment Bill
Arbitration Bill 2021 (Before Selection Committee)
The Chartered Accountants, Cost and Works Accountants, and Company Secretaries (Amendment) Bill
Biological Diversity Amendment Bill 2021
Bills introduced in Lok Sabha
Wildlife Protection Amendment Bill, 2021
National Anti-Doping Bill