New Delhi: Monkey Day is celebrated every year on 14th December. The day was declared by the United Nations. Let us tell you how Sorrow and Eric Millikan started this day. Let us tell you that there is a purpose behind starting this Monkey Day. This day has been started with the aim of inculcating love for animals in the minds of people. Today, on the occasion of Monkey Day, we are going to give you some important information related to this.
Let us tell you that the story of the beginning of Monkey Day is very funny. Actually in the year 2000, when Sorrow was studying, one day he put a chit of Monkey Day on 14th in the calendar hanging from his friend’s place. Then all the friends really celebrated it on that day. After this, when his art studies were completed, he started promoting Monkey Day. He would draw pictures and paintings of monkeys and tell people about them. Thus began the celebration of this day.

Then soon after seeing this day became popular among the people. On this day, programs related to monkeys are organized in many places along with zoos around the world. Paintings made by chimpanzees are sold on this day in ‘Tallinn’, the only zoo in Estonia, Europe. This day is celebrated in different ways around the world.
In our Indira Gandhi Zoological Park of India, there are many programs for children on this day, in which they are told about the forest and its animals. On this day of Monkey Day, different types of programs are organized to inculcate compassion and love in the minds of people towards monkeys and other animals.